A desktop from Linux past has a surprising update this week, AlmaLinux pulls ahead of the pack, and Canonical ships software for the Apple M1.
Plus, the new tech in SteamOS 3 that might make it a great desktop OS.
Canonical gives Linux admins a lucky break, the details on Android's slow shift to an upstream Kernel, a breakthrough for Linux gaming, and our take on GNOME 41.
Plus how AlmaLinux just rounded out their offering.
The story behind a Microsoft repo shipping in Raspberry Pi OS, Canonical updates a special version of Ubuntu, and a couple of milestones the Linux world hit this week.
The real reason Rocket League is dropping support for Linux, Wine has a massive release, and the potential for Canonical's new Android in the cloud service.
Plus, our take on the FSF's Upcycle Windows 7 campaign, and the clever Chrome OS strategy upgrade for education in 2020.
Canonical releases a "mini-cloud" on your workstation, the KDE ecosystem has some big news, and the smart home might have just become more open.
Plus Firefox's new DoH partner, and signs of life from the Atari VCS.
Fedora 30 is out, we share our thoughts. Purism's new Librem One service is launched, we're rather skeptical and the reason might surprise you.
Plus the massive Firefox blunder, Canonical's new service, and a report from DockerCon.
A desktop from Linux past has a surprising update this week, AlmaLinux pulls ahead of the pack, and Canonical ships software for the Apple M1.
Plus, the new tech in SteamOS 3 that might make it a great desktop OS.
Canonical gives Linux admins a lucky break, the details on Android's slow shift to an upstream Kernel, a breakthrough for Linux gaming, and our take on GNOME 41.
Plus how AlmaLinux just rounded out their offering.
The story behind a Microsoft repo shipping in Raspberry Pi OS, Canonical updates a special version of Ubuntu, and a couple of milestones the Linux world hit this week.
The real reason Rocket League is dropping support for Linux, Wine has a massive release, and the potential for Canonical's new Android in the cloud service.
Plus, our take on the FSF's Upcycle Windows 7 campaign, and the clever Chrome OS strategy upgrade for education in 2020.
Canonical releases a "mini-cloud" on your workstation, the KDE ecosystem has some big news, and the smart home might have just become more open.
Plus Firefox's new DoH partner, and signs of life from the Atari VCS.
Fedora 30 is out, we share our thoughts. Purism's new Librem One service is launched, we're rather skeptical and the reason might surprise you.
Plus the massive Firefox blunder, Canonical's new service, and a report from DockerCon.