83. The City in the CityIn The City in the City, Amy Thomas offers
the first in-depth architectural and urban history of London's financial district, the City of London, from the period of rebuilding after World War II to the explosive climax of financial deregulation in the 1980s and its long aftermath. From the Big Tie to the Big Bang, it’s a heavy-hitting episode of Unfrozen.
Intro/Outro: “Money,” by Pink Floyd
Peter Wynne Rees
o This is London: Rees Remembrances
o The City is Here for You to Use
St Paul’s Cathedral
The Bank of England
The BigTie, by Brian Griffin
Top hatters
The Domesday Book
Corporation of London
Jamaica Wine House
The George and Vulture
Lloyds and the Lloyds Building
Eva Jiricna: Kenzo > Interiors at Lloyds
Spitting Image Richard Rogers episode
“Where Ideas Come From,” by Steven Johnson
Paul Romer’s “spillover effect”
The Big Bang, 1986
National Provincial Bank
If it’s bad in the City, it’s worse at Canary Wharf and Stamford
Bishopsgate bombing, 1993 & the Ring of Steel
The Barbican Estate
Paternoster Square & Prince Charles
London Wall
London County Council vs. the City of London Corporation
No. 1 Poultry, by James Stirling
One Exchange Square
Frank Duffy
“Edge of Empire,” by Jane Margaret Jacobs
The British financial archipelago, e.g., Bermuda and the Cayman Islands