First full episode of IF MEMORY SERVES now available on our new platform! AI transcript and summary - episode of podcast The Penumbra Podcast
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Episode: First full episode of IF MEMORY SERVES now available on our new platform!
Author: Harley Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert
Duration: 00:01:54
Episode Shownotes
When Kevin and Harley decided to go full-time as podcasters and artists, they knew it was a big risk. Independent media by queer creators doesn't generally pull in the big bucks, but it’s important to them to make the most beautiful and heartfelt work possible and always pay the cast
and crew a competitive rate. That’s why we are so grateful to you for considering signing up for The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION, which you can find at Depending on the monthly pledge you choose, you’ll gain access to early, ad-free episodes, behind-the-scenes bonus content like scripts and commentary tracks, livestreams with the creators, and more. Plus, starting on October 6, 2024, we will be releasing the audiobook, If Memory Serves: A Juno Steel Mystery, to this new platform ahead of its eventual public release, as a special preview for subscribers.If you are already a supporter over on Patreon, thank you! The new platform will be making the transition over as seamless as possible for you: just head to All subsequent episodes of the audiobook, as well as the entire back catalog of bonus content, will be on the new platform. Make sure you cancel your Patreon subscription afterwards, as everything will be cleared out of Patreon in the next month.If you choose to pledge any amount, please know that you’re not only supporting Harley, Kevin, and the crew, but you’re also helping to grow this community and provide access to those who may not be able to give. Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us. For early and ad-free episodes, production scripts, commentary tracks, blooper reels, livestreams with the creators, and much more, you can find The Penumbra Podcast: SPECIAL EDITION at:
(In old episodes, you will often hear us mention Patreon, which was our old platform and is no longer live. Please feel free to ignore!)Advertising Inquiries:
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Full Transcript
00:00:02 Speaker_00
Hi Travelers, this is co-creator Harley Takagi-Kater. When Kevin and I decided to go full-time as podcasters and artists, we knew it was a big risk.
00:00:13 Speaker_00
Independent media by queer creators doesn't generally pull in the big bucks, but it's important to us to make the most beautiful and heartfelt work possible, and always pay our cast and crew a competitive rate.
00:00:24 Speaker_00
That's why we are so grateful to you for considering signing up for The Penumbra Podcast Special Edition, which you can find at or just click the link in the show notes.
00:00:38 Speaker_00
Depending on the monthly pledge you choose, you'll gain access to early ad-free episodes, behind-the-scenes bonus content like scripts and commentary tracks, live streams with the creators, and more.
00:00:50 Speaker_00
Plus, starting on October 6th, 2024, we will be releasing our audiobook, If Memory Serves, A Juno Steel Mystery, to this new platform ahead of its eventual public release as a special preview for our subscribers.
00:01:04 Speaker_00
If you are already a supporter over on Patreon, thank you! Our new platform will be making the transition over as seamless as possible for you. Just head to slash patreons. Again, the link is in the show notes.
00:01:20 Speaker_00
All subsequent episodes of the audiobook, as well as our entire back catalog of bonus content, will be on the new platform. Make sure to cancel your Patreon subscription afterwards, as we will be clearing everything out of Patreon in the next month.
00:01:34 Speaker_00
If you choose to pledge any amount, please know that you're not only supporting me, Kevin, and the crew, but you're also helping to grow this community and provide access to those who may not be able to give. Thank you so much for your support.
00:01:48 Speaker_00
It means the world to us. It's Harley again. I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you're interested in getting early ad-free versions of the show, along with a lot of other bonus content, remember to check out
00:02:07 Speaker_00
And if you heard anything about Patreon in that episode, ignore it. That was our old platform, and everything has been moved over to the new one. Thank you for considering supporting our work.