AI Use Case Series: AI in Healthcare [AI Today Podcast] AI transcript and summary - episode of podcast AI Today Podcast: Artificial Intelligence Insights, Experts, and Opinion
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Episode: AI Use Case Series: AI in Healthcare [AI Today Podcast]
Author: AI & Data Today
Duration: 00:07:30
Episode Shownotes
AI is having an impact on just about every industry. In this episode of AI Today hosts Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer discuss the impact of AI is healthcare. From streamlining operations to enhancing patient outcomes, AI is rapidly becoming an integral part of modern healthcare. We share how one
of the most significant impacts of AI is its role in diagnostics. Continue reading AI Use Case Series: AI in Healthcare [AI Today Podcast] at Cognilytica.
Full Transcript
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The AI Today podcast, powered by PMI, cuts through the hype and noise to identify what is really happening now in the world of artificial intelligence.
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Learn about emerging AI trends, best practices, and use cases on making AI work for you today with PMI hosts and expert guests.
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Hello, and welcome to the AI Today podcast. I'm your host, Kathleen Molch.
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And I'm your host, Ron Schmilzer. For those of you that have been listening to our AI Today podcast, well, for years, since we've been doing this since 2017, this is our eighth season of the AI Today podcast. And you know what?
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We never run out of things to say about AI. It's interesting. You'd think that we would have run out of topics years ago. AI keeps giving.
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AI keeps providing ways in which people are realizing benefit or value or raising issues that we have to deal with. I think we've always stuck true to our theme at AI Today. We've always focused on what does AI mean for me today?
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I think it's been a great focus for us. because it's given us the ability to say, what value is AI providing? And we can look at all the different ways that AI is providing value. And we have all these different series that we've done.
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And in this latest series of how is AI providing value, we decided let's go back to what we did a few years ago and look at how AI is impacting all the different industries that we may work in, that we may interact in, that we may deal with, or maybe that we're interested in.
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And I think that really helps answer the core question of what this podcast is all about, which is what is AI doing for us today and how is it providing value and what is it really good for in my daily life?
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Exactly. And so a common theme and use case, you know, industry area that we regularly come back to on this podcast is AI and healthcare and how AI is being applied in healthcare. You know, healthcare is sometimes people say slow to adopt,
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new technologies, it's a highly regulated industry, but AI is really making advancements in healthcare. And we've had some wonderful interviews on this topic with some thought leaders and folks who are actually implementing AI in healthcare.
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And so for today, we wanted to spend some time on our use case series, talking about AI's impact in healthcare. So first and foremost, we've seen AI in diagnostics.
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it's really making some significant impacts in the role of diagnostics because traditional diagnostic processes often rely on subjective interpretation of medical images. And you might need to have a lot of background and experience with that.
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Maybe you haven't seen that in the past, but now with the help of AI, it's really being used as an augmented intelligence tool for doctors to analyze medical images with remarkable speed and accuracy and efficiency
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And it's just being used as that second set of eyes. So it's able to maybe, you know, identify things in images that humans might not have otherwise seen. And so it's really being helpful.
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We've also seen how AI companies are helping with different diagnosis of conditions. And we've seen one in particular where AI is being used to help with eye disease and diagnose a variety of different eye disease by analyzing retinal scans. So again,
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We're seeing it used as that augmentative intelligence tool and the AI model has shown to be accurate and just as accurate as humans in identifying these complex eye conditions.
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And so it's really nice to see, you know, maybe you're in an area that doesn't have access to these specialty doctors. different parts of the world don't, or even different regions.
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And so now that doesn't mean that you can't get the health care that you deserve, and you can't get the diagnosis that you deserve, because AI is now being able to do that.
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Yeah, and I think people talk about all the time about AI being this additional set of eyes, if you will, on things like imagery data, and also just the diagnostic data.
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You go for lab tests, or you get other sorts of scans, you get all sorts of analysis, and it does require human interpretation.
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Obviously, someone has to be skilled, they have to be a radiologist, they have to be a doctor, they have to be skilled, but people make mistakes. People are, sometimes you're going to get a second opinion. That means that there's opinions.
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Well, maybe there shouldn't be opinions. Maybe there should be facts. It would be nice to know. And AI systems use data. So the more data, the better, right? Things shouldn't necessarily be always subject to interpretation.
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So we have systems that can do things like help doctors develop individualized treatment plans. Again, this is the personalization, hyper-personalization.
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pattern of AI and the recognition pattern of AI, looking at images and things like that, we can apply that to really help develop individual treatment plans by analyzing the literature, looking at your records, looking at clinical trials and processing vast amounts of data to provide evidence-based treatment, recommendations that align with whatever the current medical standards are.
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So people aren't relying on maybe experience from years ago that maybe have been proven to not be so effective. We all want, with healthcare, we have our lives here. We want to be living healthy and enriching lives.
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We want to be having our various ailments and situations treated. We don't want to be suffering, right? All that sort of stuff. So, of course, that brings us to the idea of preventative. With all of AI, we have all the patterns of AI.
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And of course, we just talked about the recognition pattern. We talked about the hyper-personalization pattern. Let's talk a little bit about the predictive analytics pattern and pattern and anomaly detection pattern.
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So what can we do with preventative? Well, preventative health care, preventative medicine, people talk about that all the time. So we can use predictive analytics to take a look at analyzing patient data and predicting the likelihood
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of diseases or complications, or maybe how well a treatment plan might be going for us. So we could take these preventative measures before a condition that we may have becomes really super critical.
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So we have healthcare institutions of all types are using AI to predict when patients may be at risk for things like sepsis. which is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to infection.
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So you can analyze things like electronic health records, and you can take a look at subtle changes in patient conditions that may indicate early stages of that condition. So early detection with a lot of things with healthcare is critical.
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And hey, AI is good at that and is doing that today.
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Exactly. And it is really nice to hear too, you know, how you can prevent illness so that you're not treating it once it happens, but that you are taking those preventative measures and being proactive and looking at data to spot potential issues.
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Now, another area that we're seeing AI being used is with operational efficiency. So this is beyond just patient care. AI is really transforming the operational side of healthcare because hospitals and clinics after all need to operate, right?
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And they operate in these complex environments where efficiency can directly impact patient outcomes. And we want to be optimizing everything from staffing to supply chain management, to patient care and wait times, right?
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You don't wanna have to go somewhere to have to wait an hour, that frustrates people.
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So we're seeing hospitals and clinics now using AI to help predict patient no-shows, which is obviously incredibly important because that helps with staffing and wait times, all of that.
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So by analyzing different factors such as appointment history, demographics, and even things like weather patterns, which really has an impact on whether or not people show up or not, especially depending on how far maybe they need to travel, these AI systems can predict when patients are likely to miss appointments.
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So this allows for clinics to optimize scheduling, reduce wait times and improve overall patient care. And I know that this is also something that's incredibly important for anybody that has to see clients.
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I know even with, you know, fitness industries or, you know, maybe hair salons, anything where you need to see clients.
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it's important to be able to understand this because no shows are just a fact of life, and so, how can you translate this and say, maybe if i'm not even in healthcare.
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How can I translate this to my industry if you see different clients or patients or whatever it is, and you need to you know optimize your scheduling as well to try and identify no shows.
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Yeah. And also, I think when people interact with the health care system, I think one of the downsides of the health care system, people like the part where you're getting treated for stuff, right? That's the part of the health care system they like.
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They like the part where they're getting diagnosis. They get the part with the treatment. The part they don't like is dealing with the paperwork and dealing with insurance and dealing with payment and dealing with approvals and dealing with referrals.
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Let's just be honest. That's still really much in the dark ages. I don't know. Stuff still has to change there. A lot of the problems with healthcare have to do with the efficiency of operations and the efficiency of delivery.
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I think this is where we're really hoping and expecting and seeing, in some cases, AI really transforming healthcare on the operational side, because hospitals and clinics are really very complicated environments. There's a lot of parties involved.
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There's a lot of providers involved, and efficiency can really directly impact the patient outcomes, not just the treatment, but just the whole part of it, right? Some people may delay treatment because of payment.
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Some people may not be approved for one particular procedure, and that procedure might be important. Or people may decline because they're afraid of costs, or maybe this provider's in-network or out-of-network. It's all craziness, right?
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So AI is being used to really optimize everything from the staffing of the systems, to supply chain management, to all aspects of the operations side of providing care. So there are many examples of doing this. People are using
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AI in ways to help with the administrative workload, basically dealing with the referral system, also dealing with chatbots that can interact with patients to do things like e-triage. So even before you show up, maybe do some automatic assessments.
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And we're starting to see more use of that, more use of mobile apps and systems like that to ask you questions. spending time there doing the paperwork when you should be spending time there getting the actual treatment, right?
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And of course, seeing all sorts of use of AI to reduce all sorts of heavy workload in terms of providing traditional alternatives to referral forms or conversational systems that help with just answering questions, maybe interacting with the healthcare providers to do all sorts of stuff.
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So, We're really hoping and expecting and seeing, as I mentioned, in these different ways that AI is helping the overall healthcare experience.
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When you think about AI and healthcare, sometimes you tend to only focus on one aspect, which is the diagnosis part, or the treatment part, or the care part. But you have to realize that all of healthcare is a big system.
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It's a complex system with a lot of components, a lot of working parts. AI has always proven, if you listen to some of the other
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parts of our use case series and always can help with things like processes and project management and things like automating routine tasks, which may not necessarily be AI, but can be AI enabled with things like NLP and conversational systems and recognition.
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And we could see all the use of hyper personalization and pattern and anomaly detection and predictive analytics. And look at this. I've talked about all seven patterns of AI, right? And even doing things like goal-driven systems.
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I'll throw in that last one, which I haven't mentioned yet. So, the whole idea here is that AI, and especially with healthcare, which is a very complex environment, and honestly, we've had conversations with people in the healthcare industry.
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They'll tell us that healthcare has actually been one of the slowest. to adopt AI. Some of these things may be counterintuitive. Financial industry, always the first to adopt technology because if you can make money on it, they'll do it.
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And even industries like construction, which people feel like construction and manufacturing, these aren't necessarily fast-paced businesses, but they are. Even agriculture is at the forefront of AI.
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But industries like healthcare have actually been slow to adopt AI, slower than they should be, in part because maybe there's all this inherent resistance to it, not just by practitioners who may not like AI in the process of diagnosis or in the process of treatment, but also there's this inherent, if you will, inertia in the systems that people have.
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These are some old systems or some complicated systems that are all tied together. You have payer systems and this sort of stuff. It does get in the way of making AI work, but ironically,
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it's in healthcare that we could see the most benefit to humanity with use of AI.
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Exactly, and so that's why we want to bring up how AI is being applied in a number of different industries. So if you haven't done so already, subscribe to AI Today so you can get notified of all of our upcoming episodes.
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We'll also link to some of the previous podcasts that we've done in the show notes. I encourage you to check it out because even if you're not working in healthcare, ways that they are applying AI may be used for your industry.
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And you may say, wow, that's a great use case or that's a great application of AI. And how can you incorporate that into your business or your organization or your industry? And so we'd love to hear from our listeners. We always love to hear from you.
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Definitely reach out to us on LinkedIn. You can also comment on our posts. We'd like to hear how you're applying AI.
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maybe how your industry is adopting it, maybe some of the hesitations that you've had, roadblocks that you've encountered, and ways that you've gotten around that.
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Or if you haven't, reach out and let us know so that our community can help and figure out ways to get around these situations.
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Because AI really is impacting every single industry, and that's why it's so important for us to cover it in our Use Case Series and to hear from our listeners. Like this episode and want to hear more?
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Check it out at slash list. Music by Matsu Gravas. As always, thanks for listening to AI Today, and we'll catch you at the next podcast.